Sometimes, I have more than one project on the go for my emotive child pictures.
These are my personal photography pictures that I do in between my lovely family photography Dublin clients. Black & white family photography. Of my own family...
I love emotive, cinematic black & white child portraits. With awesome window light, even a tiny slither, the magic can happen! And we also have fun making these quirky portraits together!
Sometimes to make quirky child portraits, I might use a prop that is close at hand.
Here, a measuring tape!!
In this case we were using a tape measure for a homework project and I thought - well, why not? My son is growing by the day. Almost 13! I liked the way a tape measure could be a metaphor for growing & for time.

Child portraits with a helmet
Playing with a helmet to create interesting portraits. Here is a book by Peter Lindbergh photographer with a model wearing a helmet & my son's juxtaposed. Want to take fun & quirky pictures of your children? I am delighted to be offering mentoring & family photography Dublin workshops. These include taking candid, natural pictures of your babies, children & family outdoors or in your own home. All natural light. In addition to this, we explore the child environmental portrait which is emotive child portraits also using props found naturally in your home. The props are an entry point to connecting with your child to create more storytelling, expressive child & family portraits.

Mama & boy moments that set my heart a flutter. The prop is just an entry point to connection with a child & we can do away with it at any point too...
And here's another trick I love to do. Experimenting with rotating my child portrait. Flipping it vertically, horizontally. Rotating it clockwise & anti clockwise to find the best composition. It can be super interesting to compare a flipped portrait to the way we originally saw the picture through the lens. Personal work is a time to play!
I love candid family photography Dublin. To book your session with me simply fill in the Contacts form. I have a range of packages that range from mini family sessions at my local beach or park. To one hour family photo shoots including extended sessions with a documentary feel. I also specialize in natural newborn at home Dublin & you can see black & white newborn pictures here on the bog.
All that practice at home with my own children helps me to make the most of indoor light throughout the seasons!
For more black & white family photography check out my latest project all in monochrome here:
Catch up soon. Have a great week! Cara xx
