Still in lockdown here in Dublin, Ireland. Time for child portraits with flowers. Here I have used tulips
I LOVE photographing children with flowers. Often props are reserved for my personal portraits of my own children. Props are a playful way in to child portraits
With children, portrait sessions need to have an element of fun to help a child feel relaxed & natural in front of the camera. Then there can be a real moment of connection. A moment of magic
No matter the prop, I look for natural expressions in my child & family portraits Dublin
These pictures were taken during the pandemic. Plenty of time to explore child & family portraits in our own home
Week days and weekends blur together, and some days are way easier than others with the homeschooling.
But, in between the challenges, and occasional meltdowns, there are some beautiful family moments.
I'm still thinking of indoor themes in the pockets of light I find around the house, where light meets shadow. I have great window light in my bedroom, also in the kitchen which rains light during the day!
That said, I am a huge fan of low light. And low light is great in winter or summer by my bedroom window
Also in the bathroom where we have a skylight, there is the chance of making some interesting & quirky bath pictures, although this is still a work in progress....
I have taken some initial flower portraits with my child here, but want to enhance the pictures soon, by adding more texture to the image
Here are my flower child portraits so far...I hope you love them as I do!
Professional family photographer Dublin. For my client family, baby & newborn photo shoots, please see my family highlights page on this website. Although I ADORE black & white child photography, I love to have vivid natural color in my family galleries
Vibrant, natural color captures the fun filled nature of child & family photography. I hope you enjoy looking at my galleries!
In my family, baby & newborn sessions I will do documentary family photography with room for classic child portraits. This is where I focus on getting a true likeness of your child. The gesture & expression you recognize as being unique to your child
We can use an outdoor, natural light location or your own home. If it's your own home I will look for places with beautiful natural light to create an expressive child portrait
Please see the family Highlights page for more on my family photography sessions Dublin. Also my Award winning & media sections cover more of my personal child portraits
Have a great week
Cara x